Why You Need To Brand Your Airbnb

With more new Airbnb and short-term rentals showing up in the Australian market, you as a host want to stand out. The renovation and home improvement trend is increasing in Australia and many more people are deciding to make changes and list their homes or investment properties on Airbnb or Booking.com.

As your success relies on bookings there needs to be a way to become the go-to holiday location. The competition is growing between properties that are in the same location, offer similar amenities, and may have similar reviews. This is where branding your Airbnb or rental creates a point of difference and is an investment for your property.

You need to change your perspective on what you're selling. You're offering your guests more than just a room to stay at - you are creating an experience. You wouldn't launch a business without a well-developed brand identity and your property is the same. Branding your Airbnb helps tell your story and showcases why you became a host in the first place, to provide guests with a memorable stay, and to make money doing so.

Firstly, what is a brand identity? A brand identity covers everything from a Logo to a custom colour pallet, social media templates, and printed touchpoints. You want to transform your short-term rental to mimic high-end hotel luxury while still encompassing the approachable, personal, and down-to-earth experience of a homestay. By having digital and physical brand assets you are setting yourself apart from other listings.

A few reasons why you should create a brand for your Airbnb or short term rental are:

  1. Ensures You Stand Out

    Investing in the branding for your listing with ensure you stand out amongst your competitors due to direct comparison between listings. Think about when guests are searching through similar listings and they see a property that has the same nightly rate, location, and amenities. Listing A has professional imagery, a branded welcome sign, cohesive welcome information, and great reviews. Property B has general imagery and great reviews. Most guests will be more inclined to stay at location A because it “offers more”- an experience rather than a room. Guests appreciate the story, insight, thought, and time their host has put into creating a perfect place to stay!

  2. Generates More Bookings

    People are drawn to listings that have positive points of difference. If you are comparing two listings with the same ratings, price, location, amenities, and features the listing that has a professional presence will be chosen. Guest’s will be more inclined to photograph your space and share their experience on social media as your listing is overall aesthetically pleasing and worth the nightly rate. More organic marketing for your listing equals more attraction and more bookings! You essentially will have more people sharing your listing, leaving better reviews, and wanting to return if you already provide a great stay with the added branded experience of a boutique hotel.

  3. Builds Trust

    By creating and implementing a cohesive brand identity you are marketing your property more effectively and at a professional standard. It indicates that you have put time and consideration into your Airbnb which is outside of the general Airbnb guidelines. This proves to your potential guests that you are a trustworthy and professional host because you care about how your listing is perceived and you treat it as your special place. Branding helps tell the story behind your listing, which in turn people invest in as they want escapism and a moment of living in a perfect holiday location.

Remember you need to provide great customer service then when you add branding you elevate your listing to attract your dream guests. Branding your Airbnb will ensure potential guests are more likely to come across your listing, share it and leave better reviews which increases your bookings. Creating a brand identity for your listing will be an investment you don’t regret and will give you the confidence in providing a stay to remember.

Let us help tell your story and set you apart from the rest of your competition. Our Branded Stay package creates a custom brand identity for your rental and we would love to work with you.


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